Frequently Asked Questions2023-07-10T14:53:54+02:00

General Questions

How can I get a promotion or coupon code?2020-07-09T16:38:43+02:00

This will come on time when your decision to buy specific coffee profiles from the program, after your satisfaction with the quality and consistency is reached in different buying experiences. This tries to position your company as a higher brand partner and opens the door to a new phase where personalized time from our team is dedicated to understand what makes your company stronger and how can you use our product and services to meet higher goals. You would have control over processes, regions, varieties, altitudes, blending if you want, finally as significant as having a line of production working for you in several mountains where your coffee is grown. Almost like investing in a technical team, buy land and develop your own product but without the hassle, workload or money all of these implies.

What if I’m not satisfied with my order or my order was not received the way I expected?2020-07-09T16:38:07+02:00

Our team is monitoring the product from the very beginning of the harvest. Samples are being collected even before the final product is ready to go into the drying process. Our risk management can be seen as one of the best in the industry so far. When you get a sample from a specific lot or microlot, you can be certain it is a reliable representation of your coffee. Any situation concerning product damage due to an impact of transportation or storage at the country of destination prior to delivery is something of which you can be sure it will be taken care of without affecting your interests.

How can I track my order or see when will it be delivered?2020-07-09T16:37:25+02:00

We believe the timing for the arrival of your product is one of the most important things because it links your customers directly with our product at the best time in your business. Our goal is for you to have full control of the information related to shipment from its initial source, all the way to the distribution facilities and to your door. Traders at origin and at your region will be feeding your mailbox with every detail in a timely fashion.

How much do I need to pay for shipping?2020-07-09T16:36:52+02:00

Coffee is shipped to any location in the world. We will be delighted to coordinate shipping for you through our offices in the different continents. Depending on the country, each warehouse has its own shipping policies and procedures, but you can be able to talk about prices with us. We will just ask you to give us all your delivery requirements in order to make the shipping and logistic process flow smoothly from origin to destination.

What’s your take on the producer and his role in the supply chain?2020-07-09T16:36:16+02:00

Our company has a clear set of principals which states and guides the safety of any of the key participants in the supply chain. This includes a vigorous effort to contribute to the protection of the environment, the promotion of reasonable commercial conditions given to our suppliers and from them to their workers. You can find full transparency in every form and mechanisms that protect the interest of you as our client and our stakeholders. This is our code of conduct and the way our staff sees the business around them.

Do you have sustainable certifications for your product?2020-07-09T16:35:51+02:00

Most of the product we have is certified under any of the sustainable programs recognized worldwide; all of them have been verified by third party auditors that promote compliance with sustainability. Our criteria state that we need to grow under the umbrella of environment preservation, social responsibility, and quality assurance. For this reason, we are able to source product certified on different standards: Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Organic, Starbucks C.A.F.E Practices, and 4C

Is this product traceable to the farm?2020-07-09T16:35:27+02:00

We are well positioned to facilitate a full report on the status of product tracing. It happens by raising understanding of the great importance that tracking and tracing the coffee to the farm has for our customers and our strategic planning. Each microlot can be tracked back to the parcel inside each farm, and in the case of the Signature Blend, there is a lot of information available linked to the region where the coffee is produced.

Do you sell the product in small quantities?2020-07-09T16:34:55+02:00

Yes, we can. The smallest amount we can provide will be 3 bags of 69 kg each, in the case of microlots. As for the Signature Blend, it’s the same lower limit but can go as high as full container loads. This singularity comprises of the best product from the Specialty Coffee program, dried on patios using protocols that account for a slow processing separating the best state farms of ONE specific region. It has been proven that using the appropriate tools and supervision this product is a reliable source of quality that stands against the run of time, indeed we are proud to say this can be the best combination of quality and price within our specialties.

How do I request a sample?2020-07-09T16:34:25+02:00

We call Singularity to the creation of a coffee profile tested and challenged in different mountains and farms through the use of strict wet mill protocols. Our data base comprises hundreds of trials giving enough statistical weight to the unique characteristics found in a specific singularity. Each Singularity, this being a Finca Dulce, a Finca Especial or the famous Finca Reserva, appearing on the offering list has a “send me a sample” or “make an order” action button where you can fill a short format and one of our customer service members will promptly reach you to define the time and place where you want the sample to be sent as well as other specifications to make sure it meets all your requirements and be of your liking. Or if you want things to be done urgently, send us a WhatsApp message to +504 9986 9157 / +504 9496 4723 and you’ll be amazed on how fast your request will be completed.

Can I buy directly from origin?2020-07-09T16:33:46+02:00

We want to make sure your buying experience is as satisfying and efficient as possible. If you request samples be sent to you directly from origin we will guarantee you’ll receive the best and well rested available coffee from our warehouses. This ensures that we provide the best response to your needs in terms of quality and price.

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Beneficio de Cafe Montecristo S.A.
Km.14, Sector Dos Caminos
Villanueva, Cortes

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