Directly from individual producers of the program

Santa Bárbara, Lempira, Copán and Ocotepeque

Ihcafe 90, Catuai, Caturra ,Lempira, and Bourbon

Altitude Range:
12000-2067 MASL

 Harvest Months:
February – April

 Wet Mill Process:
Semi-washed (Red Honey)

Drying Method:
Africans beds, and Patios

Cup Score Range:
SCA 83.00  – 84.75

5000 bags/60kg

Guara Roja is a red Honey process coffee that comes from our Specialty Program with a significant departure from the conventional supply, the intensity of its attributes comes directly from the effort of farmers trained to produce it.

It is handpicked, choosing only the opaque red cherries after that the semi-washed pulped bean with only part of mucilage as a coat is dried in the right timing on elevated beds. Not quick nor slowly. It needs to be quick enough to avoid fermentation within the bean.

This is an exquisite combination of sweet & bright acidity coffee with a juicy flavor that stands out with a complex aftertaste. The intrinsic sensory aspect of its taste and aroma is so particular that they can be easily identified among many flavor profiles.