Guara Verde

Guara Verde

Directly from individual producers of the program

Lempira, Copan, Ocotepeque, and Intibuca

Ihcafe 90, Catuai, Caturra, Lempira and Bourbon

Altitude Range:
1420-2067 MASL

Harvest Months:

Wet Mill Process:
Fully Washed

Drying Method:
African beds, Patios, and Solar dryer

Cup Score Range:

5,000 bags/60 kg

SHG Guara Verde is a singular product that meets the prevailing definition of quality to a high extent, throughout its washed process in which various fruit layers are removed before drying.

The conversion of simple purple cherries into a beverage of breathtaking profile will allow you to taste all the delicious flavors of its origin and variety. From a gleaming acidity to that hint of caramel or a floral aroma.

Nutrient levels in soil, microclimate, and plant age are key for its flavor and body.

SHG Guara Verde reflects the science and the producer’s hard work in the growing of the perfect bean and crafting of the unique taste.


Guaras are skilled mimics and can copy sounds that they hear in their environment; they can even copy human words and laughter.